Liebster Award

The Liebster Award is given to up and coming bloggers who have less than 200 followers.

The meaning: Liebster is german and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, bloved, lovelt, kind, pleasant, valued, cute and/or endearing.

Rules for receiving this award:

Nominee must post the award on their blog. Thank the blogger who promoted them and link back to their blog. Write 11 random facts about yourself. Nominate another 11 bloggers who have under 200 followers and deserve the award. Answer the 11 questions posted by the presenter and ask your nominees 11 questions. Also, ou can’t nominate the person who bestowed the award to you.

A big hearty thank you to the lovely West (check her blog,  TO THE WEST!) for nominating me. I’ve never received an award or any kind of recognition like this for blogging before so this is a first. And it feels nice to know that someone appreciates my blog and all the random and crazy stuff I talk about.


  1. I like to spend my time in front of the computer (like a lot).
  2. I have succeeded in downing a 2-litre bottle of Mountain Dew.
  3. I like to recite and sometimes even ‘reinact’ scenes and musical numbers from Disney films (e.g. The Lion King, Cinderella)
  4. There’s not one Hayao Miyazaki film that has never not made me cry.
  5. I love period films, tv shows, productions, books. Especially Regency or Victorian era ones. Ahhh the romance, the swashbuckling adventures, the plethora of incurable diseases!
  6. I like to kill time organizing computer files, renaming them and such so they’re all orderly and nice to look at.
  7. I work well under pressure due to my being a procrastinator down to the bone.
  8. I find it difficult to fall asleep without reading first, I have to get my nightly dose of pretty much anything from fan fiction to novels before bed. Seriously.
  9. I learned that being thrifty and saving money is important the hard way.
  10. I don’t do well in social situations, borderline socially inept. Everything gets awkward or quiet when I’m around new people. And I don’t like to socialise that much because I think people will find me annoying or a nuisance.
  11. When I was younger, I wasn’t allowed to go outside much and therefore, had close to little playmates. I just ended up talking to myself or playing alone with my toys.


Given a chance to live in another country, what country will you choose and why?

One of my biggest aspirations is to travel. I want to explore every nook, cranny and crevice the world has a lot to offer. If I were to choose right now, I wouldn’t have a definite answer. When you move, one has to consider a lot of things and factor in so many options. I do have my eyes set on Europe, particularly the United Kingdom. I have a hunch that I’d fit in their just right there. Lots of football and theres just so much history. Not to mention the overwhelming amount of attractive people. *wink* Irish boys *wink*

Who is your favorite author? From all his/her publications, name your top 3.

Ugh I can’t decide!

Since Harry Potter has always been a huge part of my life growing up, I guess it’s J.K. Rowling then. I haven’t finished reading The Casual Vacancy but from where I am right now, it’s very good. I have  yet to read The Cuckoo’s Calling so I’ll just have to name 3 of my fave HP-related books then.

  1. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
  2. Tales of Beedle the Bard
  3. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

When it comes to apparel, are you particular with the brand, the style or both?

The brand’s kinda sorta important because you want quality when you buy clothes. If you’ve grown familiar with a brand, it’s easier to buy things because you’ve already placed your trust with them. At the same time, style is an important factor especially if you have a fondness for fashion. This question is getting me frustrated a bit. There’s still a lot of companies that lack apparel for plus-size gals like me and it leaves us with little to choose from. Sometimes, shopping gives me a headache and with my size added to the equation too (body issues surface all of a sudden) ugh. I think neither brand and style really matter., that depends on the person entirely but for me, I guess getting branded clothes is a bonus. What really matters is that as long as the clothes fit and compliment you and that you look great in it, then fuck yeah, go for it!

Given a chance, would you like to go skydiving?

I would love to go skydiving! It’s actually on my bucket list. Well who doesn’t? It probably won’t happen in the immediate future though, which is sad, but at least I have time to create a fund for it.

What was your ambition as a child? Have you fulfilled it? Or are you in the midst of fulfilling it? Or you changed that ambition?

I had a lot of ambitions as a child. I remember wanting to be an astronaut at one point and maybe becoming a baker or pastry chef at another. Right now, I’m focusing on finishing my last semester of university, graduate and get a job so I can pull myself through getting that major in Multimedia Studies. And maybe, even feel content. I don’t know what I’m supposed to do with myself in the next succeeding years, I just hope that I’ll make it unscathed.

Name a celebrity that you would want to date if destiny permits.

Oh wow, another toughie! Why are all your questions hard on me, West?! I’ve spent half my life obsessing over stuff like celebrities that I have a vast number of people to choose from. Maybe someone from my high school days’ celebrity crushes? So either Edward Speleers, Ben Barnes, Skandar Keynes or William Moseley. I have a strange attachment to actors from the fantasy/adventure genre films. Also, I jump from one celeb crush to another, it’s hard to keep track, even for me. If we can turn back time though, I would not have any second thoughts in dating young Emilio Estevez or his then, less-troubled older brother Carlos Estevez.

Yes, I am referring to Charlie Sheen… I mean have you seen his cameo in Ferris Bueller’ Day Off?!!

What is your kind of music?

I’m pretty partial to almost any kind of music. I like classic rock because of my dad. He made me listen to to it while I was growing up. I was into being all (pretend) angsty in high school and listened to a lot of punk, post-hardcore and even some pop rock. SOmehwere between the lines of My Chemical Romance to Alesana to The All-American Rejects to Busted to Blink-182. That time was kind of a test run because there were so many good bands and my preferences tended to shift a lot. Then there’s classical music, which gets me to relax, I love me some Bach. The whole rock thing stayed with me up to now but more on the alternative kind. So far I’m delving into the deep unexplored recesses of the indie music scene.

Name a food that you would never get tired of eating.

There’s more than just one food I can’t get enough of. I find it difficult to single out just one so I’ll have to go split-sies with corn flakes, chocolate chip cookies and my Dad’s dinuguan. (To those who aren’t Filipino or aren’t familiar with the local cuisine here, dinuguan is a dish which is a lot like blood pudding stew of sorts. Don’t worry though, it’s perfectly safe, it’s amazingly delicious and my Dad makes the best!)

Do you have any vices?

I don’t gamble, I for one know that I suck at card games and other gambling-related activities. I don’t do drugs or rather recreational ones. I’m already drowning in my own supplements and medication, in copiuos amount no less. So thanks but no thanks. I don’t smoke since I have asthma and well, smoking and weak lungs don’t really go hand-in-hand. Also, I certainly am not an alcoholic but I do like to drink once in a while. I am however very dependant on coffee or anything that can provide me with caffeine with the exception of certain energy drinks (ew). I also spend so much of my time on the internet or in front of my computer that it’s almost a vice.

Are you happy with what you’ve accomplished in life so far?

Honestly? No, not really. Academically, of course I’m happy with where I am. I have one last semester to go. Hell, I’m on the road to graduating university! I’ve made it this far without flunking or stopping or switching majors and I believe that’s already an accomplishment. But where I stand personally, I’m not very pleased with myself. I’ve been an underachiever for so long that I’m completely at fault of wasting all my potential. I know it’s sad and anyone has the right to pity me at this point.

What inspires you the most?

I guess this question is about what inspires me the most in life, yes? The number one thing I draw inspiration from are my parents. They never cease to care and provide for me even though I was a difficult child to raise (always the brat) and not at all a model daughter. They still love me unconditionally and that sure as hell is the perfect reminder to live life and persevere to do better.


I don’t know a lot of bloggers personally but I feel the following people deserve to get nominated too. I visit their blogs at least once a day and I totes back-read when I’m behind.

  1. Hannah –
  2. Alon –
  3. Steffi –
  4. Jason –
  5. Jesus –
  6. Fiel –
  7. Mariel –
  8. Sharina –
  9. Bianca –
  10. Luiza –
  11. Kuya Jofer –


  1. Tea or Coffee? (Very important question)
  2. Favorite fictional character?
  3. If you could spend a year anywhere in the world, where would you go and what would you do there?
  4. What’s your favourite musical  – stage production, film or tv series?
  5. Where was your last, best vacation?
  6. If you were given the chance to write and/or direct a movie, what would it be about?
  7. What’s the best piece of advise you could share?
  8. Did you ever get into the whole Twilight Saga hype? Be honest.
  9. Do you ever think Prince Harry will ever marry? And Cressida Bonas aside, to whom do you think he’ll get hitched?
  10. Are you a planner? Or are you spontaneous?
  11. Are you happy with what you’ve accomplished in life so far?


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